Sunday, April 19, 2009

What if.. Price limit went up to 300

I know, I know, many of you think that would be used and abused too much, for transferring money from accounts, paying less tax, etc. But, with all that LE coming with prices up to 250, it is impossible to be 100% safe when selling and buying. So I was thinking, if they made price limit 300, but taxes would go up for every 60$. For example, if you were selling item for 180, buyer would see price 183. Here is one example too.

So, what do you think about that??


Scribonia326 said...

Definitely makes sense.

America4life said...

Yeah I actually would like to see the price limit go up. Because there is some items that are worth a bit more than 60 like 80-90 and it would be a lot easier for traders and me.

blondebug said...

That would be fabulous.

moonlight_22 said...

Its a good idea for traders, not so much for me cause i just keep everything i buy =p

Lettie97 said...

Good for traders =)