I like that idea! Although that would mean Stardoll couldn't make those annoying duplicates in a different color...which means less money for them!! :[
Before Boni left, she had put me as admin and told me to get some new writers and keep the blog active. So, with current writers blondebug and moonlight_22, I hired new ones, and they are sd_is_da_best, tis99car.88, and musicfreek112. I hope this blog will get more active and popular, with team I have now. Thanks everyone.
nice idea, that way you could have more combinations
but of course, stardoll would never do that. greedy much
Hey! You stole part of that banner from another blog!
Lauren, she stole what? Colored cubes made in paint? Ridiculous
I like that idea! Although that would mean Stardoll couldn't make those annoying duplicates in a different color...which means less money for them!! :[
wow, great idea! But I am agree with VampLady
Yeah great idea but stardoll would rather us pay for every color. Great idea though never would have thought of that. :)
I wish it was like that...*sigh*... Hmmm... The pretty in pink dress will look like the rare beige lottery dress
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